The Bartlett
Fifteen Show 2023
About the show



Recycled Plastic Panels

Project details


The global concern surrounding plastic waste has prompted innovative solutions to address its environmental consequences. This project aims to contribute towards this effort by proposing a method for manufacturing façade panels from recycled PLA, intercepted across UCL’s waste streams.

Initial scoping trials explored heat pressing, slumping, and kiln-casting as potential forming methods for this abundant material. While each showed promising opportunities for discovering a novel plastic language, kiln-casting provided the accuracy, consistency and repeatability required for a façade panel.

Throughout an extended testing phase, this method was refined by introducing CNC machining to the mould making process and optimising the deposition and firing strategies of the plastic.

Ultimately, the project encourages a shift towards more sustainable and socially responsible practices in manufacturing, emphasising the creative potential of recycled materials in construction projects. The challenge posed by plastic waste becomes an opportunity for transformative and sustainable design, paving the way for a more environmentally conscious future.

The final design utilises a series of pockets that increase the panel's structural capacity and allow for the individual deposition of different plastics which contribute towards the panel’s potential for environmental control.

Final Panel Design

The final design utilises a series of pockets that increase the panel's structural capacity and allow for the individual deposition of different plastics which contribute towards the panel’s potential for environmental control.

The final mould design is machined from a 20mm block of aluminium. The sides of the mould are detachable to allow for the easy removal of the formed plastic.

Final Mould Design

The final mould design is machined from a 20mm block of aluminium. The sides of the mould are detachable to allow for the easy removal of the formed plastic.

The final prototype is an assembly of six panels that demonstrates their application as a façade panel.

Final Prototype

The final prototype is an assembly of six panels that demonstrates their application as a façade panel.

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The Bartlett
Fifteen Show 2023
8 – 22 December 2023
Coming soon